Tag Archives: Little Englanders

UKIP, Immigration and Ancestry

There has been a lot of debate recently about immigration into the UK. UKIP’s continual attack on immigration has all the major political parties running like headless chickens trying to reorganise their policy.

What the populace and some politicians tend to forget is that we are a nation built on immigration, from the Romans onwards. Without Immigration many of our public services would cease to function.Immigration has also brought a great deal of diversity and new culture to these islands. I sometimes wonder where we would be without it.
I can remember back in the late 50’s and even the very early 60’s one was hard pressed even to get a curry on the average High St. Something we now take very much for granted with an explosion of Asian, Caribbean, Chinese, Greek and many other cultures shops and restaurants owned and run by immigrants.

Most of us that claim to be “British through and through” are descended from the Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings, Normans etc .How many people can trace their ancestry back to the Ancient Britons? With the exception of some Scots (Celtic), Welsh and Cornish people I doubt few of us can. I have traced my ancestry and I certainly cannot. I have Anglo-Saxon, Spanish-Irish and Dutch (going back to William of Orange) ancestors. I’ve also had experience of being an immigrant as I emmigrated to Australia when I was 18. I had a mixed reception being welcomed by some and called a “Bloody Pom” by others.
And while I’m at it don’t forget that even some of our current leaders are sons and daughters or grandchildren of people that came to this country seeking refuge from tyranny.
How shortsighted and insular some of these “Little Englanders ” are.

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Filed under Immigration UKIP, Politics